Friday, January 28, 2011

It only takes a second.

 I recently read an article that a politician somewhere in the U.S. is proposing a new law to ban walking and texting. WHAT?!?!?
I know it is obnoxious to have someone standing near you on their phone speaking loudly or just being plain old rude but, do we really need a law to stop ignorance from others around us every day? I implore someone to tell me,  what ever happened to common decency?! What ever happened to holding the door open for someone? I am not talking about gentlemen; well being gentlemen. I am talking about simple and I mean simple, COMMON DECENCY!
It is not lost on me that we have become a different society today. We are moving faster and faster every day in everything we do daily however, What ever happened to looking out for one another? I am not so blind as to say that we have to stop what we are doing and help everyone we see that needs help on a daily basis that would likely be impossible, although I wonder sometimes if that would be  all that difficult.
What I am talking about is;  remember helping out the old lady crossing the street? Where is that today? Don't get me wrong I have also been guilty of this type of behavior. I have since decided to correct my actions as much as I possibly can. I used to think the idea of being a little more compassionate on mine and everyone Else's behalf, was ridiculous! Is it really though? I am here to tell you it is not that difficult.

Common courtesy as we drive is one way we could become better. You and another car come to a 4 way stop sign at the same time what's wrong with waving the next driver along to go ahead of you? Nothing! I assure you that whatever you are on your way to doing isn't going to be any worse off if you don't race through that Stop sign if you were to wait an extra tenth of a second and let that person go ahead of you, is it? No probably not.
Maybe the next time you come to the same stop sign and you don't get there first someone will do the same for you and maybe that extra tenth of a second does help you.

We're are talking about basic human kindness here people! It isn't very difficult it doesn't take that much more time away from your extra speedy life.

It only takes an extra second to make this world a better place but, if you add up all of those seconds and all that common decency we'd be spreading around, how can we not become a better human race. How can you not become a better person? How can someone not stop and say or think "Thank you"? And if the thank you doesn't come along at that time then that person isn't there yet but, if everyone does this then eventually someone else will help that person and that person will get A thank you. And in the end that is all we need to hear in order to get to that point of common decency. In order to spread from one person to the next.
So the next time someone is need of any kind of help I "DARE" you to try and be a better person. Keep in mind.....

It only takes a second.

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